
This Fanciful Digression

Friday, 8 March 8.30pm
Black Maria
Granary Building
Granary Square
King's Cross
London, United Kingdom

Sunday 27 October 5pm
CAN - Centre d’art Neuchâtel
Rue des Moulins 37
CH-2000 Neuchâtel

Michelle Deignan’s and Carmen Billows’ first collaboration embraces the detours of their dialogue. A conversation that began with the subject of representation, has evolved into an artists' film and performance event.

Featuring work by collectif_fact, Michelle Deignan, Nooshin Farhid, Patrick Goddard, Hannah Jones, Rabih Mroué, Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay, Michael Robinson, Mel Brimfield, Matthew Stock and Stefan Sulzer, the programme is an unpredictable associative journey through places, plots and characters.

Video Still: "Live to Tell", Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay, 5 minutes, DV, 2002.